What about LOVE?

King of Wands

Love for your friends, family (of origin or choice) and most importantly, love for yourself.

The figure sits upon a throne - a place of respect. Respect is earned through being kind to all beings and living consciously by a code of ethics. At the same time, one must be willing to stand up for those in need — including oneself. It’s about setting boundaries. Respect means being open-minded and making intentional choices and following through on commitments.

The throne has a background of yellow and the figure’s cape is yellow. This is the color of the solar plexus which carries the energy of self-expression, worthiness and action. The cape and throne are adorned with lizards and other spirit animals which carry the energy of observation.

The main garment of the figure is red. A bright, powerful red. Love involves being grounded. Only when you are stable and secure in your own right can you love in a deep, soulful way. This is not to say other love journeys are not important. Indeed, I believe we have many soulmates and some of them help us to learn lessons dearly needed to become the best versions of ourselves.

The figure has green shoes. Green is color of the heart chakra. When you have a strong foundation and your root chakra is stable, then you can be grounded in love and operate from compassion. The space underneath the shoes is white - the color of the crown chakra and spiritual energy.

The wand, which represents action, actually rises from orange-yellow, our sacral and solar plexus colors, and then comes through crown energy, touching the red (root) and rising into blue, which is the energy of our throat chakra. The throat chakra is not only communication, in a broad sense, but also decision-making, giving/receiving and consent.

Overall, this card is saying that love is about making observations and using your energy to support your values, It’s acting in accordance to the code of ethics which guides your life. When you operate from from this place, love abounds.

~ Sharon


Loving Your Life


Chakra New Year!