Meet Sharon


I’m an international speaker and coach with 25+ years as a successful entrepreneur.

I teach powerful lessons that inspire action and get results.

My programs demolish beliefs that hold people back, then liberate their creativity so they can achieve wild success.

Their results? Calm, comfort and transformation.

How did I get here? By healing my own challenges: supposedly incurable disease, emotional trauma as well as the mysterious path of life beyond society’s expectations.

I’ve worked with and was trained by the most talented and brilliant minds in different arenas of health.


My expertise includes:

  • Energy and Chakra Expert

  • Trauma-Informed Coach

  • Positive Neuroplasticity Practitioner

  • Life, Nutrition and Health Coach

  • Yoga Therapist and Teacher

  • International Speaker and Author

  • Determined for clients to live happy fulfilling lives, which is the path to peace

Formal credentials:

  • Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, American Association of Drugless Practitioners

  • Trauma-Informed Coach

  • Certified BrainSavers Instructor

  • Multichannel Eye Movement Integration for Life Coaches

  • Professional Certification Positive Neuroplasticity, Dr Rick Hanson

  • Healing Touch Certified Practitioner

  • Certified Karuna and Usui Reiki

  • International Association Yoga Therapist Certified

  • 500 hr/e-200 RYT Certified Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance

  • Certified in Ann Wigmore Living Foods Lifestyle® Program

  • Certified Raw Chef, Alyssa Cohen

  • Fundamentals of Barbara Brennan Healing, Patricia White Buffalo

  • Zero Point Process, Dr. Gabriel Cousens

  • Certified Personal Productivity Program, SUN coach

  • M. Ed, Instruction and Curriculum (full scholarship, George Mason University)

  • BA, The Pennsylvania State University

Sharon, in her endless wisdom, has a unique gift of expanding minds, shaking things up, offering fresh perspective, and lending insights—Sharon’s insight is genius, with a twist of humor and spunk!
— Katherine Pritchett, Board Certified Holistic Health Counselor

Ready to find emotional balance?

Want to connect with someone
who can help you reach the next step on your journey?

Book a free call so I can understand your challenges. We’ll talk and you’ll see things in a new way.