Chakra New Year!

I asked what would be helpful for my followers to know moving into the new year?

The Page of Pentacles is a perfect draw (and a fun tongue-twister LOL). Traditionally, a page is a young boy in training to become a knight. In today's world, I'd say it's like an intern: one who has significant skills and is still very open to learning.

We see the Page standing on a field of green, signifying rooted in love. A cluster of green trees in the background showing that more love awaits. Now this doesn't necessarily mean romantic love. It can be love of self, love of life. Love is love and always joyous to experience.

There is also a mountain of blue in the background. A mountain of communication, sight, intuition and perception awaits in the future.

The Page is cloaked in a green dress with dark orange leggings and boots. Orange signifies the second chakra energy of how we show up in the world: career, money, desire, grief, pleasure. Right now those things may feel dear. The head is wrapped in a scarf of red: showing that the Page needs to keep his head grounded whether that means controlling the mind so it doesn't just chatter all day or taking time to think through situations as they arise, being very logical rather than emotional.

All of this set against a yellow sky. Yellow is the dominant color of the card and also the color of the pentacle or coin. Yellow is the color of our solar plexus which is about our relationship with ourselves.

So, my dear friends, in the coming year let us admire the riches we have with a calm mind, coming from a place of love. Let us be mindful of our communication and when we do that, our relationship with ourselves will grow and flourish.

~ Sharon

PS this is how they communicate with us....before I even wrote this reading, I thought that I would start a new section of my newsletter and encourage you to play along with me. I'm going to write a sentence or two about the best thing that happened to me in the prior month. Kind of goes with "admire the riches we have" doesn't it? If you don’t currently get my newsletter, you can sign up and get some free goodies, too!

PPS sorry for the blurry image. This is my first blog post in this software. It’ll be better next time ;-)


What about LOVE?