Frequently Asked Questions
What does Sharon do?
Sharon offers a variety of customized programs to help you annihilate anxiety, obliterate pain and live the life you deserve today. Services address physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects.
Does she work remotely?
Yes. She works through online formats and phone. She also has an office in Tucson.
What conditions do you treat?
Sharon’s work addresses a variety of issues. She does not diagnose, prescribe, treat or heal. Many of her clients improve or eliminate anxiety, pre-diabetes, heart issues, acute and chronic pain, feeling confused and not sure what the next stage of life looks like. She also helps people who simply feel out of sorts, unlike themselves or often fatigued. Many clients come to her to change eating habits.
Please review the Terms of Service for more information.
What happens during a visit?
An initial consultation includes reviewing your health history and designing a personalized program. Every visit includes practical application of techniques and your walking away with “aha” moments and action steps.
How long will the effects last?
It depends on the severity of the issue, how long the issue has been present and how you respond. Each person is very different. This is one reason programs are personalized.
How often are follow-up visits?
Depending on the situation, visits might be weekly or every other week. Sometimes there can be three weeks between visits but never more. Any program that does not meet this minimum is terminated.
Does insurance cover Sharon’s services?
Sharon does not participate with insurance. Many clients have submitted to health savings or flexible spending accounts for reimbursement. Sharon does not have an NPI number at this time.