Two clients asked, What Do I Need To Know About My Marriage?

below are two different types of readings

Past, Present, Future reading

Past, Present, Future reading

Card 1 The Past - Seven of Wands
In the past there has been conflict. Since this is a 7 and not a 5 (both of which can indicate conflict) there has been some measure of mastery obtained in this relationship and some desire to keep taking action towards even greater mastery. Staying grounded and acting from one's truth has been important.

Card 2 The Present -Ten of Swords
Time to stop the drama and lay low. Each person needs to get grounded, get back to their roots of what is important. There is goodness on the horizon. If they take time out to process and get in touch with themselves, they will know what is needed in their gut - trust that information.

Card 3 The Future - The Queen of Swords
What a beautiful card for this position in the spread! And the second sword! Swords are about thoughts and communication. A Queen knows what she wants and acts with assurance. Having taken time as indicated from the ten of swords, the future is dependent on each being clear, first with themselves, and then having clear communication with the other about what they want. They probably want the same things when it comes down to deep values - communication and acceptance might be challenges for them to work through.

Situation, Help, Overlook reading

Situation, Help, Overlook reading

Card 1 How To Approach The Situation - The Heriophant
The Hierophant is wisdom and learning. It’s important to approach the situation with a sense of being grounded and also looking for purity – what is the best about this marriage, what works? What are the keys for your success? Study the marriage from an objective viewpoint.

Card 2 How To Help - Ten of Cups, reversed
This card indicates blessedness, joy, happy emotions! Since it is in the reversed position it could mean that this is yet to come; not yet fully developed or it could mean that there is an imbalance, for you, between your inner world and outer world.

Card 3 What You Might Be Overlooking - Three of Wands, reversed
The 3 has begun the work and sees the ships of satisfaction in the harbor. This character is grounded in love and must rely on gut instincts to continue the journey. Again, the reversed position may indicate some imbalance. Perhaps a pause is needed before taking action.

Putting it all together – It would serve you to take an objective look at your marriage. To bring joy, learn as much as you can, then speak your truth and act from deep gut instincts. When you take action from this place, they are swift, decisive and easy. Given that the latter two cards were reversed, I would really encourage taking the time you need to move through this process. Do not rush. Do not let anyone rush you. Take care of yourself and act once you are clear.

People ask questions about all kinds of things!

  • Family/Friends/Relationships/Marriage/Divorce

  • Career

  • Health

  • Home/Moving

  • Money

  • Spirituality/Personal Growth

I do not answer Yes or No questions because there are too many variables and life changes constantly. Better to phrase such questions as “what do I need to know about....” or “how should I approach the situation with ___”

If you are unsure how to phrase the question, write your desired question and I will rephrase it and let you know the exact wording I asked the cards.