Direct Guidance
From The Universe

So you can move forward with your goals

I use tarot to identify underlying causes
of your situation and offer valuable information to help
you realize peace, happiness and greater health.

“I really liked the way you interpreted the cards, it was very helpful and empathic.
I would love to have another reading with you and I definitely recommend your work.”

- Jess W.

“I would certainly recommend Sharon for a tarot reading. Her reading and insight, without any guidance from me, resonated with me and the situation that I was inquiring about. I’m so thankful for this insight and how it’s going to help guide me.”

- Lynda, Waukesha, WI


I illuminate your challenges and life circumstances through two kinds of readings:

> Past, Present, Future

> Situation, Help, Overlook

Past Present Future reading

Past tells what has transpired so that you can learn lessons.

Present sheds light on what is happening now so you can see it from a different perspective.

Future talks about how to approach the situation for the most favorable outcome.

Situation Help Overlook reading

Situation tells how you are approaching the situation – even if you are not aware of what you’re doing.

Help tells what you can do to heal the situation and raise your vibration.

Overlook reveals what you might not see in the situation.

“Great and thorough reading found it really hit home with the question I had asked explained each card individually and did a beautiful job incorporating them together for the overall reading.”
- Ocean S, Rhode Island

“I liked the format because it is easy to read. The reading resonated with a lot of what is going on now. I am not worried on how I get identified. I hope this helps. Thank you for you offer and time.”

- Adriane Lobo